SEO Strategy Dubai: How to create backlinks for blogger?

How easy is it to create a backlink, pretty easy, and now how easy is it to create a backlink on blogger (Blogspot blogs)? Even easier! Follow our advice on the best blogger backlinking strategy that we are going to explain to you today. Leave aside your old knowledge from previous blogs, we have seen results on a good scale and we assure you a better ranking for your website worldwide. Talking about worldwide ranking, there's a precaution to be taken care of, if you are aiming to rank for a specific country, the blogger might not be the best place to stick around for too long, unless you have a niche that you want to give priority to. So let's get crackin' now, shall we...

Firstly, a normal, basic, most easiest type of backlink would be to have your keyword embedded with the website you are targetting. The good news is, that this is all you'll need to get right into posting a backlink, and you'll already have help from various SEO Services in Dubai who'll jump in to help your business. The bad news is, it's fairly too addicting to do this backlink and you might feel out of control just because of how easy it looks like. Do remember that not all sources and domains have the same power, which is why we suggest you have a look at SEM Rush to monitor each site carefully before posting a backlink. But what's there to monitor? Well, two things, Alexa ranking and Googe Indexing rate. Alexa ranking shows you a worldwide ranking of the site you are backlinking on for FREE, along with a specified country the website is ranking good in. You should aim at the ranking based on your website ranking. If your website ranks 10M, then aim for a domain on blogger (Blogspot blog URL) with above 5M. And if you are ranking 5M, then it's probably good to buy backlinks rather than build it since competition is merely as tough as it can get.

Understanding the value of blogger can change your perspective. You can go from being unknown to having a decent level of respect from Google. But doing these sort of backlinks too many times can also leade you to trouble and risk of falling down the ladder. Our professional recommendation would be to backlink 5 times a day if you are ranking good on a keyword. Otherwise, if you want to desperately boost up from 100+ pages, we suggest no more than 19 backlinks per day.

So now that we have our basic training, let's move on to how we can actually implement this strategy. Do not ever backlink without a sentence! Since this is Blogspot (formerly known as blogger) which is owned by Google, you don't want to tease it too much that people find your comments annoying. Have your comments sweet, simple and appreciating with calmly placed embedded backlinks inside the keyword. An example of a comment can be as shown below:

'Hey! Nice blog! thanks for posting. We are an SEO Company Dubai offering SEO services. Do keep us updated on this topic, regards, ADWEB STUDIO.'

Voila! And punch that post button. Perfect SEO, done correctly, right? But WAIT! Some blogs might need approval from the admin, and this is frustrating sometimes that your comment never gets posted on the best-ranking sites. So make sure to keep an eye in all angles while commenting to make sure such note saying 'monitored by admin' does not abide by the blog you plan to backlink on. Sometimes, one backlink can power ranking juices to a really good level which depends on your success rates to keep your comments alive on the high ranking blogs, unless the admin spots your comment in an embedded fashion before deciding to delete it. Now, you might ask, is there a solution to this? Well, Of course, we do have one! Keep reading below!

Well, simple if you do not want them to spot you, go all the way down to an older blog post within their domain, and Voila! Unless they get notifications on a bare basis, then you'll have to give up that hope to even get juice from the URL. But hey, there are almost about 200 Million blogs on Blogspot today, and they are growing day by day as their niche gets stronger with the help of the internet! Take advantage and find your success!


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